Culoare: între percepții senzoriale și experimentare

O artistă eclectică, Irinel, cu pregătire în inginerie civilă, a redescoperit în ultimii ani pasiunea artistică pe care deja o hrănise în suflet încă din copilărie. În lucrările ei predomină instinctul, o libertate totală de exprimare care se manifestă printr-un limbaj aparte, axat pe figurație și abstracție, cu o predilecție deosebită pentru elementul geometric, uneori vegetal sau floral, și pentru culorile vibrante. O energie explozivă și dinamică se răspândește din lucrările ei, transmițând vitalitate și mărturisind sensibilitatea și capacitatea acestei artiste de a da glas celor mai profunde emoții, oferind observatorului adevărate portaluri energetice prin care să se regăsească și să experimenteze căi în care arta și spiritualitatea se îmbină. inextricabil. O creativitate nesfârșită o conduce să fie o pictoră prolifică articulată care, în ciuda experimentelor tehnice și vizuale continue, reușește să mențină în încărcătura emoțională și în puternica cercetare cromatică un fir comun capabil să-și facă arta imediat recunoscută și bine conectată la realitatea contemporană. În lucrarea expusă aici, artistul exaltă natura prin imaginea unui triumf floral care copleșește observatorul, aducând cu sine un mesaj de pozitivitate și frumusețe.

Recenzie de către Francesca Callipari

Color: between sensory perceptions and experimentation

An eclectic artist, Irinel, with a background in civil engineering, has rediscovered in recent years the artistic passion that she had already nurtured in her soul since childhood. Instinct prevails in her works, a total freedom of expression that manifests itself through a peculiar language, focused on figuration and abstraction, with a particular predilection for the geometric element, sometimes vegetal or floral, and for vibrant colors. An explosive and dynamic energy spreads from her works, transmitting vitality and testifying to the sensitivity and ability of this artist to give voice to the deepest emotions, offering the observer real energetic portals through which to find themselves and experience paths in which art and spirituality merge inextricably. An endless creativity leads her to be an articulated prolific painter who, despite the continuous technical and visual experimentation, manages to maintain in the emotional charge and in the strong chromatic research a common thread capable of making her art immediately recognizable and well connected to contemporary reality. In the work exhibited here, the artist exalts nature through the image of a floral triumph that overwhelms the observer, bringing with it a message of positivity and beauty.

Review by Francesca Callipari


Gabriele Kuizinaite – critic de arta si artista lituaniana despre Irinel Daniela Iacob

Gabriele Kuizinaite, critic de arta si artista lituaniana despre Irinel Daniela Iacob

Tarptautinis fotografijos ir tapybos salonas 2024 pristato žinomą menininkę iš Rumunijos Irinel Daniela Iacob. Ji yra universali ir žinoma menininkė kurianti daugelyje sričių: plastiniai menai, literatūra, performancai, tapyba. Menininkės tapybos darbai adresuoti subjektyviems žiūrovams, kurie juose gali pamatyti abstraktų paveikslą. Menininkės kūryboje itin svarbūs laisvi vibruojantys judesiai, primenantys dramą, tiesą, viltį ir gyvenimą. Autorės menas simbolizuoja pačią autorę, saugo nuo negatyvių emocijų. Kūryboje svarbus dialogas su Dievu, taip pat dvasinis ryšys ir dvasinio gyvenimo augimas. Menininkė parodose dalyvauja nuo 2022 metų, už savo kūrybą yra pelniusi tarptautinių apdovanojimų, jos kūryba jau pristatyta personalinėse ir tarptautinėse kolektyvinėse parodose: Rumunijoje, Argentinoje, Equadore, Norvegijoje, Ispanijoje, Italijoje, Londone.

International photography and painting salon 2024 presents the famous artist from Romania Irinel Daniela Iacob. She is a universal and famous artist whose creates in many areas: plastic arts, literature, performances, painting. The artist paintings are addressed to subjective viewers whose can see an abstract picture in them. In the artist’s work, free vibrating movements, reminiscent of drama, truth, hope and life, are especially important. The author’s art symbolizes the author herself, protects her from negative emotions. In creation, dialogue with God is important, as well as spiritual connection and the growth of spiritual life. The artist has been participating in exhibitions since 2022, has won internationals awards for her work, her work has already been presented in solo and international collective exhibitions: Romania, Argentina, Equador, Norway, Spain, Italy, London.

Gabriele Kuizinaitef
critic de arta si artista lituaniana

Sam Massaaf about Art by Irinel Daniela

Sam Massaaf about Art by Irinel Daniela

Our artist friend Irinel Daniela Iacob has an innate talent for creating decorative abstract paintings that captivate the eye and spark the imagination. Her ability to blend colors, shapes and textures in a harmonious way is remarkable and sets her apart among her peers. His works seem to transmit a positive energy and a deep artistic sensitivity.

Beyond her artistic talent, Irinel Daniela also stands out for her commitment to art and artists. By actively supporting fellow artists and participating in art exhibitions and events, she helps promote diversity and creativity in the art world. His passion for art is also reflected in his desire to share his work with the public and to arouse emotions and thoughts in viewers.

Sam Massaaf

O nouă stea în Times Square: Expoziția personală a Irinel Danielei Iacob


O nouă stea în Times Square: Expoziția personală a Irinel Daniela Iacob

Vision Art Mediaîn colaborare cu New York Media Network, cu mândrie prezintă viitoarea expoziție personală a apreciatei artiste Irinel Daniela Iacob în inima Times Square. Această expoziție promite să fie o sărbătoare a talentului artistic și a creativității, prezentând viziunea unică și lucrările captivante ale artistei Irinel Daniela Iacob.

Artista Irinel Daniela Iacob depășește granițele, captivând publicul cu stilul ei distinctiv și compozițiile emoționante. Munca ei reflectă o înțelegere profundă a experienței umane, explorând teme de identitate, conexiune și frumusețea lumii din jurul nostru. Prin utilizarea magistrală a culorii, texturii și formei, Irinel Daniela Iacob invită privitorii într-o lume a introspecției.

Ca o stea a excelenței artistice, expoziția personală Irinel Daniela Iacob este o dovadă a dăruirii și pasiunii sale pentru artă. Capacitatea sa de a evoca emoții și de a stimula imaginaţia prin lucrările sale este cu adevărat remarcabilă, lăsând o impresie de durată tuturor celor care au privilegiul de a lua contact cu operele sale.

Îi transmitem sincere felicitări lui Irinel Daniela Iacob cu această ocazie importantă. Fie ca expoziția ei să strălucească puternic în Times Square, inspirând și încântând publicul din apropiere și de departe. Suntem onorați să susținem o artistă atât de talentată și așteptăm cu nerăbdare să asistăm la impactul artei sale pe scena mondială.

Vă invităm să sărbătorim impreună expoziția personală Irinel Daniela Iacob, o dovadă a puterii artei de a depăși granițele și de a ilumina spiritul uman.

Articol scris de Vision Art Media


Shining Light in Times Square: Irinel Daniela Iacob’s Solo Exhibition

Vision Art Media, in collaboration with the New York Media Network, is proud to present the upcoming solo exhibition of acclaimed artist Irinel Daniela Iacob in the heart of Times Square. This exhibition promises to be a celebration of artistic talent and creativity, showcasing the unique vision and captivating works of Irinel Daniela Iacob.

Irinel Daniela Iacob‘s artistry transcends boundaries, captivating audiences with her distinctive style and emotive compositions. Her work reflects a deep understanding of the human experience, exploring themes of identity, connection, and the beauty of the world around us. Through her masterful use of color, texture, and form, Irinel Daniela Iacob invites viewers into a world of introspection and wonder.

As a beacon of artistic excellence, Irinel Daniela Iacob‘s solo exhibition is a testament to her dedication and passion for the craft. Her ability to evoke emotion and provoke thought through her art is truly remarkable, leaving a lasting impression on all who have the privilege of experiencing her work.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Irinel Daniela Iacob on this momentous occasion. May her exhibition shine brightly in Times Square, inspiring and delighting audiences from near and far. We are honored to support such a talented artist and look forward to witnessing the impact of her artistry on the world stage.

Join us in celebrating Irinel Daniela Iacob‘s solo exhibition, a testament to the power of art to transcend boundaries and illuminate the human spirit.

Authored by Vision Art Media Global Professional Team


„O noua stea în Times Square: Expozitia personala a Irinel Danielei Iacob”

Master MICHAEL LAM, Top International Art Consultant, despre IRINEL DANIELA IACOB

Artista Irinel Daniela Iacob‘s multidisciplinary approach is a symphony of creativity, weaving together threads of engineering, plastic art, and literature into a rich tapestry of expression. Within this intricate web of disciplines, she flourishes as a visionary artist, infusing each endeavor with love, precision, and boundless imagination.

At the core of Iacob‘s artistic oeuvre lies her enchanting paintings, which serve as windows into the depths of human experience. Her abstract imagery, painted with a bold and vivacious brushstroke, transcends conventional representation to unveil the profound truths, conflicts, and aspirations inherent in our existence. While abstract art can often pose interpretative challenges, Iacob‘s creations provide solace for contemplation, inviting viewers to cleanse themselves of negativity and engage in a dialogue with the divine and their inner selves.

Irinel Daniela Iacob‘s journey is one of self-discovery and spiritual exploration, reflected in the masterful compositions and intricate techniques that define her visual landscape. With a palette bursting with chromatic brilliance, she constructs realms uniquely her own, captivating audiences and critics alike on both national and international stages.

Her accolades, including prestigious awards such as the 2024 Botticelli Prize in Florence, Italy, and the 2023 Career Art Award by FONDAZIONE EFFETO ARTE in Sanremo, Italy, underscore the global recognition of her unparalleled talent. From the World Best Artists Prize to the International Prize Pegasus for Artists, Iacob‘s contributions to the art world have been consistently celebrated, solidifying her status as a luminary in contemporary art.

In an era where boundaries between disciplines blur and creativity knows no bounds, Irinel Daniela Iacob stands as a testament to the transformative power of passion and dedication. Her journey, marked by a relentless pursuit of artistic excellence, serves as an inspiration for aspiring artists worldwide, reminding us of the infinite possibilities that unfold when one dares to traverse the intersections of art, science, and literature.

Master Michael Lam,
Top International Art Consultant

Top International Art Consultant,